Saturday, February 3, 2018

Lotus 102D Update

The Lotus is nearing completion!

I didn't take any pics during final assembly because I was too focused on not screwing anything up let alone smearing superglue all over the place. Everything went together very smoothly. The only issues I had were gluing the front suspension covers directly below the wishbones. They were quite a tight fit. Otherwise, no problems!

I actually forgot to attach a small triangular piece that goes right in front of the windscreen. I painted this a mix of X5 green and X28 park green and glued it on fairly cleanly. I also need to finish up the mirrors, add the rain light, and finally the seat.

To my relief the engine cover fits snugly.

I ground and sanded the molded in seat belts and drilled holes for the lap belts. I will eventually include a harness from Tamiya's Seat Belt F product. I have a spare kit as well, so here's a before and after photo.

I'm toying with the idea of adding radiator plumbing and wiring to the engine bay as long as I can find the right kind of materials, but I may end up leaving it as is. Unfortunately the Ford decal on the airbox cracked. This was from the Shunko sheet, so I may end up replacing it with the kit decal if it's the same size. Gotta love spares.

Hopefully everything will be completed by my next post, including outdoor photos with better lighting. Enjoy!